Chan Lab

Biology Department, Swarthmore College

About Us

Combining coastal oceanographic, ecological, and engineering-based observational techniques, our work focuses on the main question of how individual experience in the plankton affects population dynamics.  


Summer research in full swing

June 2024
Four fabulous undergraduates are conducting independent research. Helga Conclaves is investigating the ecotoxicology of nanoplastic. Ruby Novogrodsky is working on marine heatwave and trophic transfer. Luciana Valencia is testing larval response to vorticity. Katie Kohn is exploring larval urchin fluid […]

Karen gave invited symposium talk at SICB

January 2024
Karen spoke at the society symposium on “Modelling organismal response to changing environment”

NSF-funded symposium on small-scale biophysics (Papers published)

December 2023
A collection of 11 articles from the symposium on “Large scale biological phenomenon arising from small-scale biophysical processes”

New paper on single embryo transcriptomics 

December 2023
Collaboration with the Wu lab at HKUST to interrogate ocean acidification impacts on individuals

NSF supplement to study marine heatwave

July 2022
New collaboration with the Hoffman Lab at UCSB to study kelp ecosystem under marine heatwaves

NSF-IOS funds new biomechanics project

May 2022
3-year collaborative grant to investigate the functions of body extensions on plankton

Summer research in full swing

June 2024
Four fabulous undergraduates are conducting independent research. Helga Conclaves is investigating the ecotoxicology of nanoplastic. Ruby Novogrodsky is working on marine heatwave and trophic transfer. Luciana Valencia is testing larval response to vorticity. Katie Kohn is exploring larval urchin fluid […]

Karen gave invited symposium talk at SICB

January 2024
Karen spoke at the society symposium on “Modelling organismal response to changing environment”

NSF-funded symposium on small-scale biophysics (Papers published)

December 2023
A collection of 11 articles from the symposium on “Large scale biological phenomenon arising from small-scale biophysical processes”

New paper on single embryo transcriptomics 

December 2023
Collaboration with the Wu lab at HKUST to interrogate ocean acidification impacts on individuals

NSF supplement to study marine heatwave

July 2022
New collaboration with the Hoffman Lab at UCSB to study kelp ecosystem under marine heatwaves

NSF-IOS funds new biomechanics project

May 2022
3-year collaborative grant to investigate the functions of body extensions on plankton

For more, visit the archived news page.