Curriculum Vitae

Kit Yu Karen CHAN 

Assistant Professor
School of Oceanography, University of Washington

Office: OSB/OCN519
Lab: OSB/OCN531
Email: kychan”at”uw”dot”edu

Academic Positions

2024 – presentAssistant Professor, School of Oceanography, University of Washington
2019 – 2024Assistant Professor, Biology Department, Swarthmore College.
Summer 2023Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, University of Washington.
2018-2022Adjunct Assistant Professor, Division of Life Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
2017-2018Visiting Associate, Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology.
2014-2018Assistant Professor, Division of Life Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
July 2016Visiting Fellow, South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity, South Africa.
2014-2016Guest Investigator, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).
2012-2014Postdoctoral Scholar of the Coastal Ocean Institute and Croucher Foundation Fellow, WHOI.
Summer 2011 and 2013Visiting Scientist, Sven Lovén Center of Marine Sciences and Research, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
2006-2012Graduate Research Assistant, in the laboratory of Prof. Daniel Grünbaum, University of Washington.


2009-2012PhD, School of Oceanography, University of Washington.
2006-2009MSc, School of Oceanography, University of Washington.
2005-2006Exchange student, Dept. Ecology and Evolution, University of California, Davis.
2003-2006BSc, first class honors, Environmental Life Science, University of Hong Kong.

Research Grants

2022-2024National Science Foundation, Ocean Science, PI (co-PI: Gretchen Hofmann from UC-Santa Barbara)
ROA: Exploring mechanism of plasticity and tolerance in early stage marine invertebrates in response to marine heatwaves.
2022-2025National Science Foundation, Integrative Organismal Systems, PI (co-PIs: Carr Everbach from Swarthmore College & Mimi Koehl from UC-Berkeley)
Project: Collaborative Research: IOS:RUI: Hydrodynamic consequences of spines on zooplankton: Functional morphology of horns and tails on barnacle nauplii.
2022-2023National Science Foundation, Integrative Organismal Systems, PI
Project: Conference: SICB 2023 Symposium: Large-scale phenomena arising from small-scale biophysical processes.
2022-2023Company of Biologists, Scientific Meeting Grant
Project: SICB 2023 Symposium: Large-scale phenomena arising from small-scale biophysical processes.
2018-2019Chau Hoi Shuen Foundation Women in Science Program, co-PI with Mimi Koehl from UC-Berkeley
How Body Form Affects the Hydrodynamics of Swimming and Feeding by Zooplankton.
2018-2019COTS Research Grant, Australian Museum Lizard Island Research Station, PI , (co-PI: Maria Byrne from University of Sydney)
Swimming behaviors of larval Crown-of-Thorns-Seastars: implications for distribution and dispersal modeling.
2016-2020Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Early Career Scheme, PI
Effect of warming, acidification & hyposalinity on marine invertebrates larvae.
2017-2019Hong Kong Research Grant Council, General Research Fund, PI, (co-PI: Gray Williams from University of Hong Kong)
From physiology to predictions in a changing world: an application of dynamic energy budget model to bivalve veligers.
2015-2018Environmental Conservation Grant, Co-PI
Assessing the marine biodiversity and ecology of Tolo Harbour and Channel.
2014-2017National Science Foundation US, Biological Oceanography, co-PI with Houshuo Jiang from WHOI
Functional Diversity and Performance of Ciliated Marine Invertebrate Larvae: measuring and modeling larval swimming, feeding and hydrodynamic signaling.
2014-2016Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Initiation Grant, PI
Project: Effects of climate change stressors on performance of larval marine invertebrates.
2014-2015Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Research Equipment Competition, PI
Project: Carbonate Chemistry analysis for coastal waters.
2014-2016Smithsonian Institution Competitive Grant Program for Science, co-PI with Rachel Collin from Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Project: Effects of hypoxia on planktonic larval distribution in tropical Caribbean
2014ASSEMBLE On-Site Assess Call, PI (2-week trip to Kristenberg, Sweden)
Project: Impact of ocean acidification on egg and sperm physiology
2012-2013Royal Swedish Academy of Science SEK350,000, PI
Project: Impacts of changing ocean conditions on planktonic larval stage of marine invertebrates.

Education Grants

2015-2017HKUST Teaching Development Grant
Project: Enhancing Students’ Self-efficacy through Inquiry-based assessment techniques.


^ Indicates students          * Co-first author or co-corresponding authors

^Cunningham SK, ^Murillo K, KYK Chan, and JB Lamb (2023). Managing marine seascapes through community-based conservation. Lessons in Conservation, Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History 13 (1), 15-37.
^Fung CW, Chau KY, ^Tong DCS, ^Knox C, Tam SST, Tan SY, Loi, DSC, Leung Z, Xu Y, Lan Y, Qian PY, *Chan KYK, *Wu AR (co-corresponding authors) Parentage influence on gene expression under acidification revealed through single-embryo sequencing. Molecular Ecology.
Chan KYK, Wheeler, JD. Common interests without common expertise: Reflections on early-career experiences in cross-disciplinary research. Integrative Organismal Biology.
Wheeler, JD, Chan KYK. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Large-scale phenomena arising from small-scale biophysical processes. Integrative Organismal Biology.
^Jones, BCL, ^Holt, LA, Chan, KYK. Effect of ocean acidification on the early development of the biofouling ascidian Ciona robusta. Zoological Studies 62: e4.
Chan, KYK, ^Jorgensen, BK, Scoma, S. Thermal limits determination for zooplankton using a heat block. Jove. d e64762.
Wong, E, Yau, C, Chan KYK. Seasonal and spatial dynamics of mesozooplankton community in a subtropical embayment. Regional Studies of Marine Sciences. 56:102724
^Ng, PL, ^Kinn-Gurzo, S, Chan, KYK. Microplastics impede larval urchin selective feeding and digestion. Sci. Total Enviro. 838, 155770.
^Lo, HKA, ^Chua, VA, Chan, KYK. Near future ocean acidification modulates the impact of fluoxetine at environmental concentration on larval urchins. Sci. Total Enviro. 801, 149709.
Collin, R, Rebolledo, ASE, Chan, KYK. Thermal tolerance of early development predicts the realized thermal niche in marine ectotherms. Funct. Ecol. 35, 1679.
^Maboloc, EA,Chan, KYK. Parental whole life cycle exposure modulates progeny responses to ocean acidification in slipper limpets. Global Change Biol. 27: 3272.
^Branam, EN, Wong, JY, Chan, BKK, Chan, KYK. A tail’s tale: Biomechanical roles of dorsal thoracic spine of barnacle nauplii. Integr. Comp. Biol. 61, 1095.
Bednaršek, N, Calosi, P, Feely, RA, Ambrose, R, Byrne, M, Chan, KYK, . . . Weisberg, SB. Synthesis of thresholds of ocean acidification impacts on echinoderms. Front. Mar. Sci. 8 (261). doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.602601
^Akkipeddi, SMK.,^ Xu, M, Chan, KYK. Halogenated compound secreted by marine bacteria halts larval urchin development. J. Exp. Mar. Ecol. Biol 538, 151540.
^Wong JY, Chan BKK, Chan KYK. Swimming kinematics and hydrodynamics of barnacle larvae throughout development. Proc Biol Sci. 14; 287
^Liu, TX, ^Kinn-Gurzo, S., Chan, KYK. Resilience of invasive tubeworm (Hydroides dirampha) to warming and salinity stress and its implications for biofouling community dynamics. Mar Biol. 167:145.
^Wong J, Chan KYK, Chan B. Evolution of feeding shapes swimming kinematics of barnacle naupliar larvae: a comparison between trophic modes. Integr. Org. Biol. 2:obaa011
^Maboloc E, Batzel G, Grünbaum D, Chan KYK. Vertical distribution of echinoid larvae in pH stratified water columns. Mar Biol. 67:13.
Chan, KYK, ^Tong, D. Temporal variability modulates pH impact on larval sea urchin development. Cons Phys. 8: coaa008
Collin, R, Venera‐Pontón, DE, Driskell, AC, Macdonald, KS, Chan, KYK, Boyle, MJ Documenting neotropical diversity of phoronids with DNA barcoding of planktonic larvae. Invert. Biol. 128: e12242.
^Wong, JY, Chan, KYK, Chan, BKK. Phylogenetic, ecological and biomechanical constraints on larval form: A comparative morphological analysis of barnacle nauplii. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0206973.
Dorey, N, ^ Mabaloc, EA, Chan, KYK. Development of the sea urchin Heliocidaris crassispina from Hong Kong is robust to ocean acidification and copper contamination. Aquat. Toxicol. 2015:1
Chan, KYK, Swelle, M., Bryne, M. Revisiting the larval dispersal black box in the Anthropoecene. ICES. J. Mar. Sci. 75: 1841
^ Mak, KKY, Chan, KYK. Interactive effects of warming and hyposalinity stress on early life stages of the sea urchin Heliocidaris crassispnia. Mar. Biol. 165:57
^ Leung, J. , Chan, KYK. Microplastics reduce posterior regeneration rate of the polycheate Perinereis aibuhitensis. Mar. Poll. Bull.129:782
^Lo, HK, Chan, KYK.. Negative and concentration-dependent effects of microplastic exposure on growth and development of Crepidula onyx amid selective feeding. Env. Poll. 233: 588
^ Mabaloc, EA, Chan, KYK. Resilience of the larval slipper limpet Crepidula onyx to direct and indirect-diet effects of ocean acidification. Sci. Rep. 7:12062
^ Pecquet, A, Dorey, N & Chan, KYK. Ocean acidification impact swimming and development of Bugula neritina. Mar. Poll. Bull. 124:903
^Zhang, SW, Chan, KYK, Shen Z, Cheung, SY, Landry, MR and Liu, HB..Feeding behavior of a cryptic marine ciliate on progametes of Noctiluca scintillans. Protist. 10.1016/j.protis.2016.08.005.
Collin, R, Chan, KYK. Negligible safety factors for early development of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus in a tropical lagoon. Ecol. Evol. 6: 5623–5634.
*Wheeler, JD, *Chan, KYK, Anderson, E, Mullineux, L.Ontogenetic changes in larval swimming and orientation of pre-competent sea urchin Arbacia punctulata in turbulence. J. Exp. Biol. 219:1303-1310. [Inside JEB Featured Article]
Chan, KYK, Gracis, E, Dupont, ST. Swimming of urchin larvae unaffected by acidification-induced developmental delay. Sci. Rep. 5:9764.
Chan, KYK, Grünbaum, D, Arnberg, M, Dupont, ST. Impacts of ocean acidification on survival, growth, and swimming behaviors differ between larval urchins and brittlestars. ICES. Mar. Sci. 73:951-961. [Invited contribution].
Chan, KYK., Jiang, HS, Padillia, DK. Swimming speed of larval snail does not correlated with size and ciliary beat frequency. PLoS One. 8: e82764
Chan, KYK, Grünbaum, D, Arnberg,M., Thorndyke, M., Dupont, ST. Ocean acidification induces budding in larval sea urchins. Mar. Biol.. 160:2129-2135
Durkin, CA, Bender, SJ, Chan, KYK, Gaessner, K, Grünbaum, D, Armbrust, V. Silicic acid supplied to coastal diatom communities influences cellular silicification and the potential export of carbon. Limnol. Oceanogr. 58:1707-1726
Chan, KYK. 2012. Biomechanics of larval morphology affect swimming: insights from the sand dollars Dendraster excentricus. Integr. Comp. Biol. 52:458-469
Chan, KYK, Yang, S, Maliska, ME, Grünbaum, D. Interdisciplinary, guided inquiry on estuarine transport using a computer model in high school classrooms. Am. Biol. Teach. 74:26-33
Chan, KYK, Grünbaum, D, O Donnell, MJ.. Effects of ocean acidification-induced morphological changes on larval swimming and feeding. J. Exp. Biol. 214: 3857-3867
Chan, KYK, Grünbaum, D. Temperature and diet modified swimming behaviors of larval sand dollar. Mar. Ecol. Prog Ser. 415: 49-59
Grünbaum, D, Chan, KYK, Tobin, E and Nishizaki, MT. Non-linear advection–diffusion equations approximate swarming but not schooling populations. Math. BioSci. 204:38-48
Høeg, JT, Achituv, Y, Chan, BKK, Chan, KYK, Jensen, PG and Pérez-Losada, M. Cypris morphology in the barnacles Ibla and Paralepas (Crustacea: Cirripedia Thoracica) implications for cirripede evolution. J. Morph. 270:241-255
Chan, BKK., Chan, KYK and Leung, MC. Burrow architecture of ghost crab Ocypode ceratophthalma on a sandy shore of Hong Kong, Hydrobiol. 560:43-49