Kit Yu Karen CHAN

Assistant Professor
School of Oceanography, University of Washington
Office: OSB/OCN519
Lab: OSB/OCN531
Email: kychan”at”uw”dot”edu
Academic Positions
2024 – present | Assistant Professor, School of Oceanography, University of Washington |
2019 – 2024 | Assistant Professor, Biology Department, Swarthmore College. |
Summer 2023 | Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, University of Washington. |
2018-2022 | Adjunct Assistant Professor, Division of Life Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. |
2017-2018 | Visiting Associate, Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology. |
2014-2018 | Assistant Professor, Division of Life Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. |
July 2016 | Visiting Fellow, South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity, South Africa. |
2014-2016 | Guest Investigator, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). |
2012-2014 | Postdoctoral Scholar of the Coastal Ocean Institute and Croucher Foundation Fellow, WHOI. |
Summer 2011 and 2013 | Visiting Scientist, Sven Lovén Center of Marine Sciences and Research, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. |
2006-2012 | Graduate Research Assistant, in the laboratory of Prof. Daniel Grünbaum, University of Washington. |
2009-2012 | PhD, School of Oceanography, University of Washington. |
2006-2009 | MSc, School of Oceanography, University of Washington. |
2005-2006 | Exchange student, Dept. Ecology and Evolution, University of California, Davis. |
2003-2006 | BSc, first class honors, Environmental Life Science, University of Hong Kong. |
Research Grants
2024-2029 | King County, PI Technical service agreement about marine zooplankton analysis and reporting |
2023-2026 | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, co-PI (PI- Jan Newton, APL) Enabling near real-time Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) coastal data and products to improve understanding of physical, chemical, and biological linkages for enhanced forecasting and management of biological resources in a changing climate |
2022-2024 | National Science Foundation, Ocean Science, PI (co-PI: Gretchen Hofmann from UC-Santa Barbara) ROA: Exploring mechanism of plasticity and tolerance in early stage marine invertebrates in response to marine heatwaves. |
2022-2025 | National Science Foundation, Integrative Organismal Systems, PI (co-PIs: Carr Everbach from Swarthmore College & Mimi Koehl from UC-Berkeley) Project: Collaborative Research: IOS:RUI: Hydrodynamic consequences of spines on zooplankton: Functional morphology of horns and tails on barnacle nauplii. |
2022-2023 | National Science Foundation, Integrative Organismal Systems, PI Project: Conference: SICB 2023 Symposium: Large-scale phenomena arising from small-scale biophysical processes. |
2022-2023 | Company of Biologists, Scientific Meeting Grant Project: SICB 2023 Symposium: Large-scale phenomena arising from small-scale biophysical processes. |
2018-2019 | Chau Hoi Shuen Foundation Women in Science Program, co-PI with Mimi Koehl from UC-Berkeley How Body Form Affects the Hydrodynamics of Swimming and Feeding by Zooplankton. |
2018-2019 | COTS Research Grant, Australian Museum Lizard Island Research Station, PI , (co-PI: Maria Byrne from University of Sydney) Swimming behaviors of larval Crown-of-Thorns-Seastars: implications for distribution and dispersal modeling. |
2016-2020 | Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Early Career Scheme, PI Effect of warming, acidification & hyposalinity on marine invertebrates larvae. |
2017-2019 | Hong Kong Research Grant Council, General Research Fund, PI, (co-PI: Gray Williams from University of Hong Kong) From physiology to predictions in a changing world: an application of dynamic energy budget model to bivalve veligers. |
2015-2018 | Environmental Conservation Grant, Co-PI Assessing the marine biodiversity and ecology of Tolo Harbour and Channel. |
2014-2017 | National Science Foundation US, Biological Oceanography, co-PI with Houshuo Jiang from WHOI Functional Diversity and Performance of Ciliated Marine Invertebrate Larvae: measuring and modeling larval swimming, feeding and hydrodynamic signaling. |
2014-2016 | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Initiation Grant, PI Project: Effects of climate change stressors on performance of larval marine invertebrates. |
2014-2015 | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Research Equipment Competition, PI Project: Carbonate Chemistry analysis for coastal waters. |
2014-2016 | Smithsonian Institution Competitive Grant Program for Science, co-PI with Rachel Collin from Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Project: Effects of hypoxia on planktonic larval distribution in tropical Caribbean |
2014 | ASSEMBLE On-Site Assess Call, PI (2-week trip to Kristenberg, Sweden) Project: Impact of ocean acidification on egg and sperm physiology |
2012-2013 | Royal Swedish Academy of Science SEK350,000, PI Project: Impacts of changing ocean conditions on planktonic larval stage of marine invertebrates. |
Education Grants
2015-2017 | HKUST Teaching Development Grant Project: Enhancing Students’ Self-efficacy through Inquiry-based assessment techniques. |
^ Indicates students * Co-first author or co-corresponding authors
^Cunningham SK, ^Murillo K, KYK Chan, and JB Lamb (2023). Managing marine seascapes through community-based conservation. Lessons in Conservation, Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History 13 (1), 15-37. |
^Fung CW, Chau KY, ^Tong DCS, ^Knox C, Tam SST, Tan SY, Loi, DSC, Leung Z, Xu Y, Lan Y, Qian PY, *Chan KYK, *Wu AR (co-corresponding authors) Parentage influence on gene expression under acidification revealed through single-embryo sequencing. Molecular Ecology. |
Chan KYK, Wheeler, JD. Common interests without common expertise: Reflections on early-career experiences in cross-disciplinary research. Integrative Organismal Biology. |
Wheeler, JD, Chan KYK. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Large-scale phenomena arising from small-scale biophysical processes. Integrative Organismal Biology. |
^Jones, BCL, ^Holt, LA, Chan, KYK. Effect of ocean acidification on the early development of the biofouling ascidian Ciona robusta. Zoological Studies 62: e4. |
Chan, KYK, ^Jorgensen, BK, Scoma, S. Thermal limits determination for zooplankton using a heat block. Jove. d e64762. |
Wong, E, Yau, C, Chan KYK. Seasonal and spatial dynamics of mesozooplankton community in a subtropical embayment. Regional Studies of Marine Sciences. 56:102724 |
^Ng, PL, ^Kinn-Gurzo, S, Chan, KYK. Microplastics impede larval urchin selective feeding and digestion. Sci. Total Enviro. 838, 155770. |
^Lo, HKA, ^Chua, VA, Chan, KYK. Near future ocean acidification modulates the impact of fluoxetine at environmental concentration on larval urchins. Sci. Total Enviro. 801, 149709. |
Collin, R, Rebolledo, ASE, Chan, KYK. Thermal tolerance of early development predicts the realized thermal niche in marine ectotherms. Funct. Ecol. 35, 1679. |
^Maboloc, EA,Chan, KYK. Parental whole life cycle exposure modulates progeny responses to ocean acidification in slipper limpets. Global Change Biol. 27: 3272. |
^Branam, EN, Wong, JY, Chan, BKK, Chan, KYK. A tail’s tale: Biomechanical roles of dorsal thoracic spine of barnacle nauplii. Integr. Comp. Biol. 61, 1095. |
Bednaršek, N, Calosi, P, Feely, RA, Ambrose, R, Byrne, M, Chan, KYK, . . . Weisberg, SB. Synthesis of thresholds of ocean acidification impacts on echinoderms. Front. Mar. Sci. 8 (261). doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.602601 |
^Akkipeddi, SMK.,^ Xu, M, Chan, KYK. Halogenated compound secreted by marine bacteria halts larval urchin development. J. Exp. Mar. Ecol. Biol 538, 151540. |
^Wong JY, Chan BKK, Chan KYK. Swimming kinematics and hydrodynamics of barnacle larvae throughout development. Proc Biol Sci. 14; 287 |
^Liu, TX, ^Kinn-Gurzo, S., Chan, KYK. Resilience of invasive tubeworm (Hydroides dirampha) to warming and salinity stress and its implications for biofouling community dynamics. Mar Biol. 167:145. |
^Wong J, Chan KYK, Chan B. Evolution of feeding shapes swimming kinematics of barnacle naupliar larvae: a comparison between trophic modes. Integr. Org. Biol. 2:obaa011 |
^Maboloc E, Batzel G, Grünbaum D, Chan KYK. Vertical distribution of echinoid larvae in pH stratified water columns. Mar Biol. 67:13. |
Chan, KYK, ^Tong, D. Temporal variability modulates pH impact on larval sea urchin development. Cons Phys. 8: coaa008 |
Collin, R, Venera‐Pontón, DE, Driskell, AC, Macdonald, KS, Chan, KYK, Boyle, MJ Documenting neotropical diversity of phoronids with DNA barcoding of planktonic larvae. Invert. Biol. 128: e12242. |
^Wong, JY, Chan, KYK, Chan, BKK. Phylogenetic, ecological and biomechanical constraints on larval form: A comparative morphological analysis of barnacle nauplii. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0206973. |
Dorey, N, ^ Mabaloc, EA, Chan, KYK. Development of the sea urchin Heliocidaris crassispina from Hong Kong is robust to ocean acidification and copper contamination. Aquat. Toxicol. 2015:1 |
Chan, KYK, Swelle, M., Bryne, M. Revisiting the larval dispersal black box in the Anthropoecene. ICES. J. Mar. Sci. 75: 1841 |
^ Mak, KKY, Chan, KYK. Interactive effects of warming and hyposalinity stress on early life stages of the sea urchin Heliocidaris crassispnia. Mar. Biol. 165:57 |
^ Leung, J. , Chan, KYK. Microplastics reduce posterior regeneration rate of the polycheate Perinereis aibuhitensis. Mar. Poll. Bull.129:782 |
^Lo, HK, Chan, KYK.. Negative and concentration-dependent effects of microplastic exposure on growth and development of Crepidula onyx amid selective feeding. Env. Poll. 233: 588 |
^ Mabaloc, EA, Chan, KYK. Resilience of the larval slipper limpet Crepidula onyx to direct and indirect-diet effects of ocean acidification. Sci. Rep. 7:12062 |
^ Pecquet, A, Dorey, N & Chan, KYK. Ocean acidification impact swimming and development of Bugula neritina. Mar. Poll. Bull. 124:903 |
^Zhang, SW, Chan, KYK, Shen Z, Cheung, SY, Landry, MR and Liu, HB..Feeding behavior of a cryptic marine ciliate on progametes of Noctiluca scintillans. Protist. 10.1016/j.protis.2016.08.005. |
Collin, R, Chan, KYK. Negligible safety factors for early development of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus in a tropical lagoon. Ecol. Evol. 6: 5623–5634. |
*Wheeler, JD, *Chan, KYK, Anderson, E, Mullineux, L.Ontogenetic changes in larval swimming and orientation of pre-competent sea urchin Arbacia punctulata in turbulence. J. Exp. Biol. 219:1303-1310. [Inside JEB Featured Article] |
Chan, KYK, Gracis, E, Dupont, ST. Swimming of urchin larvae unaffected by acidification-induced developmental delay. Sci. Rep. 5:9764. |
Chan, KYK, Grünbaum, D, Arnberg, M, Dupont, ST. Impacts of ocean acidification on survival, growth, and swimming behaviors differ between larval urchins and brittlestars. ICES. Mar. Sci. 73:951-961. [Invited contribution]. |
Chan, KYK., Jiang, HS, Padillia, DK. Swimming speed of larval snail does not correlated with size and ciliary beat frequency. PLoS One. 8: e82764 |
Chan, KYK, Grünbaum, D, Arnberg,M., Thorndyke, M., Dupont, ST. Ocean acidification induces budding in larval sea urchins. Mar. Biol.. 160:2129-2135 |
Durkin, CA, Bender, SJ, Chan, KYK, Gaessner, K, Grünbaum, D, Armbrust, V. Silicic acid supplied to coastal diatom communities influences cellular silicification and the potential export of carbon. Limnol. Oceanogr. 58:1707-1726 |
Chan, KYK. 2012. Biomechanics of larval morphology affect swimming: insights from the sand dollars Dendraster excentricus. Integr. Comp. Biol. 52:458-469 |
Chan, KYK, Yang, S, Maliska, ME, Grünbaum, D. Interdisciplinary, guided inquiry on estuarine transport using a computer model in high school classrooms. Am. Biol. Teach. 74:26-33 |
Chan, KYK, Grünbaum, D, O Donnell, MJ.. Effects of ocean acidification-induced morphological changes on larval swimming and feeding. J. Exp. Biol. 214: 3857-3867 |
Chan, KYK, Grünbaum, D. Temperature and diet modified swimming behaviors of larval sand dollar. Mar. Ecol. Prog Ser. 415: 49-59 |
Grünbaum, D, Chan, KYK, Tobin, E and Nishizaki, MT. Non-linear advection–diffusion equations approximate swarming but not schooling populations. Math. BioSci. 204:38-48 |
Høeg, JT, Achituv, Y, Chan, BKK, Chan, KYK, Jensen, PG and Pérez-Losada, M. Cypris morphology in the barnacles Ibla and Paralepas (Crustacea: Cirripedia Thoracica) implications for cirripede evolution. J. Morph. 270:241-255 |
Chan, BKK., Chan, KYK and Leung, MC. Burrow architecture of ghost crab Ocypode ceratophthalma on a sandy shore of Hong Kong, Hydrobiol. 560:43-49 |