We are Relocating
November 2018
Prof. chan and her lab will relocate to Swarthmore College, PA as of Jan 1st 2019.
Why barnacles larvae are shaped the way they are
November 2018
PhD student WONG Jin Yung published his meta-analysis on barnacle larvae morphology. Check out the new publication at https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0206973
We are on TVB Pearl Report!
March 2018
We are featured in the episode “Small Plastic, Big Problem”. Watch the episode at http://news.tvb.com/programmes/pearlreport/5ab8da91e603838d46f8cf8a
Microplastics Cause Irreversible Effects on Marine Organisms
March 2018
Recently our research on the adverse effects of microbeads on marine invertebrates has been publicized in the media. The research team consists of Julia Leung (former undergraduate), Abby Lo (current postgraduate), and Pui-Lam Ng (current postgraduate) led by Dr. Karen Chan. The official HKUST press […]
New Publication on Interactive effects of temperature and salinity on early life stages of sea urchin
February 2018
Congratulations to former Research Assistant Karen Mak for her recent publication in Marine Biology. A PDF of her article can be viewed at https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s00227-018-3312-4.pdf
Two new publications!
December 2017
Congratulations to PhD student Abby and former lab member Julia for their recent publications. PDFs of the two journal articles can be viewed here (Abby’s) and here (Julia’s)
Dr. Karen Chan’s Seminar in CA, USA
October 2017
On October 12th, Dr. Chan gave a seminar at the Moss Landing Marine Labs in California, USA titled “Growing up in a sea of change”. Watch the presentation here.
Website: Marine Invertebrate Larvae in Hong Kong Waters
October 2017
The Chan Lab is excited to announce our new website highlighting the findings of a recent project to investigate the distribution and seasonality of marine decapod crustacean larvae in nearby Hong Kong waters. The website can be viewed here.
Congratulations, Zaldy!
September 2017
Congratulations to PhD candidate Elizaldy Maboloc for his recent publication in Scientific Reports. A PDF of his journal article can be viewed here.
Larval Crustaceans Collection and Identification Workshop
September 2017
The Chan Lab successfully hosted a hands-on workshop on plankton collection, quantification, and identification of marine decapod larvae at HKUST.
Presentation at ILBS
August 2017
Dr. Chan and graduate student Elizaldy Maboloc presented at the 11th International Larval Biology Symposium in Honolulu, HI, USA.
Student Internship at Science Museum
July 2017
The student internship is in full swing at the Hong Kong Science Museum as students share their biological oceanography knowledge with eager visitors.
We are Relocating
November 2018
Prof. chan and her lab will relocate to Swarthmore College, PA as of Jan 1st 2019.
Why barnacles larvae are shaped the way they are
November 2018
PhD student WONG Jin Yung published his meta-analysis on barnacle larvae morphology. Check out the new publication at https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0206973
We are on TVB Pearl Report!
March 2018
We are featured in the episode “Small Plastic, Big Problem”. Watch the episode at http://news.tvb.com/programmes/pearlreport/5ab8da91e603838d46f8cf8a
Microplastics Cause Irreversible Effects on Marine Organisms
March 2018
Recently our research on the adverse effects of microbeads on marine invertebrates has been publicized in the media. The research team consists of Julia Leung (former undergraduate), Abby Lo (current postgraduate), and Pui-Lam Ng (current postgraduate) led by Dr. Karen Chan. The official HKUST press […]
New Publication on Interactive effects of temperature and salinity on early life stages of sea urchin
February 2018
Congratulations to former Research Assistant Karen Mak for her recent publication in Marine Biology. A PDF of her article can be viewed at https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s00227-018-3312-4.pdf
Two new publications!
December 2017
Congratulations to PhD student Abby and former lab member Julia for their recent publications. PDFs of the two journal articles can be viewed here (Abby’s) and here (Julia’s)
Dr. Karen Chan’s Seminar in CA, USA
October 2017
On October 12th, Dr. Chan gave a seminar at the Moss Landing Marine Labs in California, USA titled “Growing up in a sea of change”. Watch the presentation here.
Website: Marine Invertebrate Larvae in Hong Kong Waters
October 2017
The Chan Lab is excited to announce our new website highlighting the findings of a recent project to investigate the distribution and seasonality of marine decapod crustacean larvae in nearby Hong Kong waters. The website can be viewed here.
Congratulations, Zaldy!
September 2017
Congratulations to PhD candidate Elizaldy Maboloc for his recent publication in Scientific Reports. A PDF of his journal article can be viewed here.
Larval Crustaceans Collection and Identification Workshop
September 2017
The Chan Lab successfully hosted a hands-on workshop on plankton collection, quantification, and identification of marine decapod larvae at HKUST.
Presentation at ILBS
August 2017
Dr. Chan and graduate student Elizaldy Maboloc presented at the 11th International Larval Biology Symposium in Honolulu, HI, USA.
Student Internship at Science Museum
July 2017
The student internship is in full swing at the Hong Kong Science Museum as students share their biological oceanography knowledge with eager visitors.