Join Us!

We are always looking for new colleagues who are curious, inquisitive, and kind. Whether you already love plankton or are thinking about learning more, we welcome you to the team.

Graduate students and Postdocs

To start a conversation about potential projects, please send Karen a brief email with a description of your past research experience, your potential research interests and goals in the Chan Lab, and your CV.

To learn more about UW Oceanography’s graduate program and how to apply, visit our prospective students page.

The School of Oceanography has a mentoring program to help with application, details can be found here.

Undergraduate Students

Paid opportunities for UW students are posted through the UW Oceanography website and posted here.

I also encourage students to explore their research interest and take research credits, Senior thesis students are welcomed. 

If you’re interested, please send Karen a short email explaining why you want to work in the lab, along with your CV and an unofficial copy of your transcript.